Health insurance - no maternity services required


Registered User
Is there an opt-out for no maternity services including fertility? We are a couple with children, our family is complete. We are both sterilised (unforeseen double).

In obtaining quotes for health insurance for Ireland all include maternity services which we know are an expensive inclusion. In other countries, we cancelled this and got significant savings. Is this possible in Ireland, on the online plans there does not appear to be any opt-out due to our ages, I am guessing primarily the female?

Any plans out there without, or simply a case of phoning up the three providers and opting out?
Most maternity plans here cover very little...a contribution to consultant fees and some extras like home help, breastfeeding support etc. They also cover up to 5 nights hospital care. So plans don't offer the choice to opt out. The main difference in plans appears to be on day to day expenses and hospital coverage for orthopedic and hi tech care. Irish Life Health has basic plans where you can do add ons, like sports, maternity etc so maybe look at that company.
There is no opt-out on it for community rating reasons, in Ireland health insurance plans cannot rate based on age or gender.
Thank you both. I understand now.

I just get peeved paying for insurance we don't need. We made considerable savings in another country when we stopped the maternity clauses.
Thank you both. I understand now.

I just get peeved paying for insurance we don't need. We made considerable savings in another country when we stopped the maternity clauses.

The savings would be minimal, if at all. Reference to another country is not helpful.

HI in Ireland is really limited in what it pays out for Maternity , so the cost to the insurance companies is minimal so its impact on premiums is minimal.
Thanks again. Still, think it should be opt-out in this day and age no matter how minimal the impact on the premium.

Yes, I appreciate it was another country that included: pregnancy checkups with OBGYN, multiple scans, five days in hospital, post-hospital visits and lactation consultant support etc. If we had not had private health insurance it would have costs us AUS$15-20k.