Health Insurance - maternity cover


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I am looking to change health plans/insurers to get the best cover for my wife and newborn next year.

Can anyone recommend a good plan. I have looked at the various sites but the information seems to be copied with a few words changed and small differences in the figures. The price of no competition I suppose.

I would prefer a private route hospital wise, as as far as I can see, going public for having a baby, anything could happen.
Have you health insurance at the moment? For pregnancy, you have to have health insurance for 52 weeks before you are covered, I think this is before you have the baby, but you may want to check. I have gone semi-private and public, so far public is better.
I have a the VHI Company Plan for myself and my wife through my LTD company.
I am only beginning to look into the change, so just hoping for any words of wisdom
to speed things along. Being Health insurance, it's all about personal circustances I know
If you have already served waiting periods with one health insurer then you don't need to serve them for the same cover again with another. If you switch to a higher level of cover then there may be waiting periods for newly covered treatments/conditions etc.

We were covered by VHI for our semi-private birth a few years back and had no major problems. We had to pay for a scan/test outside of the normal semi-private cover ourselves and were liable for the normal (?) €500 fee that the Rotunda (and others) charge (although it remains in dispute over an invoicing issue/complaint and they have not followed up to collect it to date!). Remember that some, most or all unreimbursed expenses will qualify for MED1 tax relief.
To be honest, I didn't think there was a huge difference between the different health insurers, especially if you go the hospital route. I *think* that BUPA may offer a good grant towards a homebirth midwife, and I *think* they offer money towards nursing care afterwards, but really you need to look up the various policies on offer.
I forgot to say, there may be a 52 week waiting period to qualify for higher cover, I can't exactly remember so please check yourself, is your wife expecting already.
even with private health insurance you still have to pay the consultant up to €3000!!!!
even with private health insurance you still have to pay the consultant up to €3000!!!!
Only on fully private? We didn't have that charge on semi-private. Or whatever charges there were in this context were covered by our VHI Family Plan Plus policy.
VHI plan B excess details:
[broken link removed]

Quinn essentail plus:

Vivas 'we plan' level 2:
[broken link removed]

It's worth remembering that whether you go public/private/semi you are entitled to free antenatal care, and a post natal visit with your GP under the combined care scheme, since some of the info here proudly proclaims that they will pay towards your GP costs in pregnancy...
I forgot to say, there may be a 52 week waiting period to qualify for higher cover, I can't exactly remember so please check yourself, is your wife expecting already.

We're are not expecting yet, but working on it, thanks for the responses everyone. I guess I'll jut have to dig into it all and have a chat with my wife and see what she thinks her needs will be.