Health insurance increase


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I am a single man32 years Who got health insurance last year for the first time.Too day i got my policy renewal for AVIVA (ME PLAN LEVEL 1) which has gone up too 477euro up 145 euro in 1 year.Does anybody no of a cover similar with quinn or vhi wich is cheaper.THANKS

According to [broken link removed]on the Health Insurance Authority's website, the only plans cheaper than Me Plan Level 1 are Quinn's Essential Starter and Quinn's CompanyHealth.

These won't be identical to what you have so make sure to review what's on offer before switching to make sure you're happy with the cover.
I see by the Quinn Website there was no mention of the Essential Starter 330 Euro

When Quinn increased their prices in January, they stated that half of the price increase was due to the levy. So Quinn are charging at least some of the levy.

From here: