Health Insurance Health insurance for family members, complicated situation


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Family member 1 recently got cancer, amongst other issues.
Family member 2 has arthritis, amongst other issues.

They’ve had health insurance for the last 15 years or so, but have lost their job and unable to work at the moment due to poor health.

This now means that their job isn’t paying their health insurance and now it’s gone. I’m aware of the 13 week rule so I’m making sure they don’t wait over 13 weeks because then they’ll have to wait 5 years to be covered for these pre existing issues.

I’m also afraid of them buying a cheap, crap plan as then they’ll have to wait 5 years to be covered for any “better” plan that they then join to get additional coverage.

They don’t have much money due to not having a job, so money is tight unfortunately but I’d pay towards it if needed.

So my question is, bearing in mind both have very serious medical issues and not a lot of money, what plans would you recommend? I’ve heard good things about Laya’s Inspire plan, but that doesn’t cover orthopedic which isn’t good considering the arthritis, right?

Any advice whatsoever? We’re nearly 8 weeks in to not having health insurance so I’m getting worried for them
Have a look at Laya Simply Connect which has no orthopaedic shortfall and is a good policy, particularly if your 'day to day' expenses won't much exceed €1000 (refund limit is €500). Along with many Laya policies the cost will increase on 1 October so be sure to beat that deadline.
The cheapest policy now with Laya is about €100 a month with huge excesses.
It's very very difficult on your family members, used to having good cover and now it's gone when they need it most.

Also if you going to help them pay the cost of it, it's going to be a big financial drain on you too as the years go by . Most mid range policies are between 1600 to 2000 a year now. The ones with the Ortho care over 2000. As the above poster mentioned, Lays's simple connect or maybe Control 300 Create is worth a look
Have a look at Laya Simply Connect which has no orthopaedic shortfall and is a good policy, particularly if your 'day to day' expenses won't much exceed €1000 (refund limit is €500). Along with many Laya policies the cost will increase on 1 October so be sure to beat that deadline.

Oh really? I assumed that even if I took out a policy today the cost will go up in October anyway.

Simply connect seems pricey enough compared to Inspire but that must be the orthopaedic cover kicking in. I need to look in to whether the inspire plan has any cover on orthopaedic, I don’t mind if there’s an excess I just need the family member with arthritis ideally having that cover (I think)
Oh really? I assumed that even if I took out a policy today the cost will go up in October anyway.

It's an annual policy, priced for a full year. You can choose to pay in monthly instalments but the price you're quoted stays until next renewal. Sme people regularly renew the day before a price increase (done it myself).

Simply connect seems pricey enough compared to Inspire but that must be the orthopaedic cover kicking in. I need to look in to whether the inspire plan has any cover on orthopaedic, I don’t mind if there’s an excess I just need the family member with arthritis ideally having that cover (I think)

Inspire is a good policy too but there's a 20% shortfall for specified orthopaedic (and ophthalmic) procedures - mainly hip, hip, knee and shoulder replacements.

Your family members can change policy every year, don't forget, though any upgrade (other than for Day to Day) will have a waiting period before it kicks in. I've usually found Laya customer service agents very helpful if you want to discuss a policy or check details.
Thanks. Another stupid question, how do people handle cases like this where (hopefully) the family member returns to work within a year? Can we pay monthly and cancel it 6 months in or no?

Hopefully a new job would pay the insurance
Thanks. Another stupid question, how do people handle cases like this where (hopefully) the family member returns to work within a year? Can we pay monthly and cancel it 6 months in or no?

Hopefully a new job would pay the insurance

Laya say they only allow cancellations within 14 days of taking out the policy, so you shouldn't expect a refund. Whether you pay in monthly instalments or annually makes no difference at all. You owe the full charge from day one.

Of course if the new job's health insurance was a Laya policy too, I gather there may be some workaround. Or if there had been no claims on the policy you could try asking nicely.

Possibly the confusion arises because motor and home insurance companies usually allow cancellations during the policy year.