Health check up

Sim One

Registered User
Friend of a friend (male) based in Dublin is looking to organise a health check up.

He already is an outpatient of St James' Hospital and gets six-monthly check ups there (blood pressure, cholesterol, kidneys etc) but is now looking to have a thorough check up (heart, lungs, prostate etc).

He was prompted by the Des Smyth episode last week - Des discovered a potentially fatal problem with one of his arteries during a routine check up.

Anybody know of places in Dublin who he might contact to arrange this check up.
Gunnerbar said:
Does anyone know if VHI cover any like check up. Sorry for the piggyback.
I'm currently with Bupa, but was with VHI a couple of years ago and AFAIR they used to pay a set amount for one health screen every two years. I think it was about €150 at the time, but not sure on that.

sim one said:
Anybody know of places in Dublin who he might contact to arrange this check up.
The mater private do a full health screen - see details here:
Thanks for this.

Rainyday, I checked with the Beacon Clinic and apparantly neither VHI nor BUPA cover the cost of these check ups as they are considered to be a health screening check.

However, you can claim the cost on the MED 1.

Just got a reply back from the mater private on their health check program, their costs are..

Male Screening (all ages): €477.00
Female Screening (all ages): €477.00
Female Screening (incl. mammogram and dexa scan): €628.00
Just to clarify, the free public health 'Breastcheck' screening service is only extendable to women aged 50-64 in certain HSE Areas every two years.

However, if you are referred by your GP to a public hospital, you will be able to avail of breastcheck screening and you won't have to pay.

Sim One's friend is wise to obtain regular check-ups. I might suggest that anyone who has any concerns about (or a family history of) any particular medical condition should seek the advice of their GP.