Health Centre/Public Health Nurse - good experience


Registered User
Just wanted to post a positive experience of our much maligned health service. Since our son was born last September we have had nothing but excellent service from our local Health Centre and Public Health Nurse. Apart from her scheduled visits our PHN basically dropped out to us any time we needed her without complaint or the need for appointments. She was always very helpful and pragmatic with advice and reassurance and very pragmatic. The staff who took calls from us were always very polite and helpful and always made sure to pass on messages and call us back. We visited the Health Centre last week for the 7-8 month checks and the staff were very friendly and helpful and we were in and out within 15 minutes. And this after we inadvertently missed our original appointment the day before and were given an early morning (by our choice) slot the next day. All in all, in our experience, a great service for the taxes that we have paid over the years.

Disclaimer: I am not a member of FF or the PDs!
Great to hear you had a very positive experience, Clubman and that you took the time to post it.

Very few of us ever take the time anymore to acknowledge good public services so it is refreshing to hear some positive news.

Well done to you (and to the health centre and public health nurse involved).
I have to agree.

The service available at the centre in Dunrum is equally impressive. It seems to be one area of the health service they've got right. It's an example of how things should be done throughout.