Headaches and onions!


Registered User
Apart from the usual crying when I peel an onion, I get a headache which feels like (I imagine) a mild migraine. Has anybody else had this reaction to onions? I peeled an onion two days ago, got the headache within hours and still have it, despite taking 'normal' pain relief medication. My eyes are very stingy and light-sensitive, and my head (especially base of skull) is tense and uncomfortable. I've noticed this previously too. Anybody know anything about a possible relationship between onions and headache? Thank you.
Never heard of it - may sinus headache. Put the onion into a basin fill the basin with water then peel onion - no headaches or teary eyes
Hi Audery,

Yes I suffer from a number of odour induced allergies leading to headaches.

Onions, paint, petrol, solvents, air fresheners, aromatherapy oils and certain cleaning fluids lead to headaches sometimes lasting one or two days.

You shuould consult your GP who will be able to advise. It is important not to self diagnose with respect to headaces as there may be something more serious going on.

This might sound crazy, but put a bit of bread in your mouth between your upper lip and teeth when peel;ing onions - it works for me, I always get runny eyes when peeling onions.
Variation on the previous post but breath through your mouth when peeling onions. The trouble starts when you breath through your nose.
Can we keep the thread on topic please?

The original poster said: "Apart from the usual crying when I peel an onion". So offering advice on how to avoid crying when peeling onions is not addressing the question.

I can get a headache from red wine, certain oranges, pears, chocolate, ice cream, Sure deodorant more so than others, hot tea and if I become teary eyed. Audrey do you get a headache when you cry?
I can get a headache from red wine, certain oranges, pears, chocolate, ice cream, Sure deodorant more so than others, hot tea and if I become teary eyed. Audrey do you get a headache when you cry?
No, not necessarily, although I suppose if I was upset enough to cry in the first place I could certainly get a tension headache afterwards. The headache I get from the onions is a different kind of thing to a 'normal' headache .... it's very straining on the eyes and back/base of head/neck. It's gone now, and I really do think it was the onions, because I remember having it before when I had peeled onions. I do get headaches anyway, as a matter of course, and they seem to be usually due to either tension (being under pressure at work, say) or lifting heavy objects (my neck gets strained and that produces a headache), but the onion one is definitely different to other headaches. Anyway, thanks everybody again.
It seems as if a [broken link removed] of people report headaches in reaction to onions. These are anecdotes and I would do some form of scientific allergy test before giving up onions.

I get really bad headaches from oranges and raw garlic. I think that a large amount of strawberries might affect me too. The only thing that works for me is massaging my neck and my temples. I've been going for regular back, neck & shoulder massages lately and the therapist said that putting two tennis balls in a sock and lying your head on this hits the right pressure points.