HD-ready vs HD query.


Registered User
This technology lark will be the end of me, I tell you . . .

Last year some time we bought ourselves a new flat screen HD telly - a Panasonic TX32LX70L and so far it hasn't let us down and we have had no issues with it.

From what I remember at the time, the whole HD-ready and HD thing seemed to revolve around whether the screen had 1920*1080 pixels or not. I could never understand how something that was never going to have 1920*1080 pixels could be described as HD-ready since it was never going to have that definition.

Now it's time to get another TV for one of the other rooms and as far as I'm concerned (from a future proofing point of view) there's no point in getting anything that doesn't do 1920*1080 since whenever we upgrade the DVD to bluray we won't be able to get the most of the bluray disks.

Am I missing something or is anything less than 1920*1080 a little like buying old technology if the aim is to watch high-def films or is there something I'm missing ? I would be happy to save the money and buy something 'lower' but not if I'm going to be shelling out for another new one in two ot three years.

HD Ready requirements are clearly defined (no pun intended).
whenever we upgrade the DVD to bluray we won't be able to get the most of the bluray disks.
Not sure what you mean here, but Bluray will work with both Full HD and HDReady sets anyway. Bluray players (Full HD) will scale the picture to fit the TV screen resolution.

Unless you are a real TV technology buff, you won't notice much difference in picture quality for screen size of 32in or less.