Haven't applied for deferral - too late now?

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I had no intention of paying the household charge and wasn't entitled to a deferral. My husband took ill on 7th March and is currently still receiving illness benefit. He is being let go from his job at the end of this month due to medical grounds - no issues with this as he is not fit to do the job and unfortunately never will be.

Can I apply for the household charge to be waived now? If so how do I go about it? Thanks wednesday
As I understand it, you are liable for the household charge on 1st January 2012. Your husband was not ill then. Receipt of Illness Benefit does not entitle anyone to a waiver anyway, unless you were receiving mortgage interest supplement on 1st January from DSP.
Thanks for the reply Steiner. Am I correct in thinking that I can apply for the waiver once in receipt of MIS? Thanks wednesday
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