Ya thanks, no the amount borrowed was 95% of the value of the house as i had the rest saved, I am a category 1 first time buyer so at the momet in my second year my interest repayment probably exceeds €10,000
Interest Paid: €10,000
Eligible Amount as a First Time Buyer: €10,000
Relief Rate for First Time Buyer: 25%
Relief to be granted is calculated as: €10,000 * 25% = €2,500
Monthly TRS based on above figures: €2,500/12 = €208.33 per month
The TRS I am now getting is €104, on contacting the bank i have been told that TRS has been halved across the board for everyone. I feel a bit stupid now because it is thge first i have heard of it been halved across the board... have i been living on another planet?