Have you ever been to a Medium?


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My cousin has had a wonderful experience with a medium last night. I also went to a Medium a few years back. She told me things she couldn't possible predict. Amazing stuff...

Was wondering what people think of them & care to share experiences?

Hoax or real...??
I couldn't possibly do the medium thing, it'd have to be full duck or no dinner.
Interesting one this. My sister-in-law is into this kind of thing. Not a medium per se but a couple who, according to themselves, 'channel' information from the angels.

Now I'd have absolutely no time for this sort of b.s. and have openly told them (family members) that this crowd are full of pooh and I didn't want them anywhere near my family.

Anyway. Here I am last Sunday when my wife admitted that the sis-in-law had dragged her along on Friday to these guys. She proceeded to list a number of things which I had been privately being considering with regards to my business and gave me the verdict of the 'angels' on each. My wife is in no way involved in my business and I hadn't discussed any of these issues with her in any shape form or fashion. These guys got a couple of things unnervingly right. It was all generally accurate but one or two things on which they pronounced were spot on. They told her what i was thinking, who I was thinking it about and what would be the likely outcome if I followed my line of thinking.

Now I'm wondering if there is something to all of this crud or if I talk in my sleep!?
They told her what i was thinking, who I was thinking it about and what would be the likely outcome if I followed my line of thinking.

Hopefully they only spoke about your business and nothing else/no one else that you were thinking of ............
I used to be into this kind of thing when I was young, but then I got old and cynical

Anyway, last timeI was at a medium it was a theatre event and I had a front row seat. I really just felt it was a confidence trickster preying on peoples vunerabilities. There was a lot of theatrical stuff going on but I just thought the medium herself was a chancer.
I really just felt it was a confidence trickster preying on peoples vunerabilities. There was a lot of theatrical stuff going on but I just thought the medium herself was a chancer.

Of course.

What's the difference between a medium and someone like Derren Brown anyway? Not much IMO and he is the first to admit that his whole act is misdirection, suggestion etc

Fortune tellers, mediums any of that stuff - ask yourself OP, if they were genuine how come they aren't all millionaires?

Some of these people have a gift alright but it's not clairvoyancy, telepathy or whatever - it's in reading people.
Its all nonsense, although that is of course my opinion.

Someone mentioned Derren Brown. He did a show one time in the US when he pretended to be a medium and fooled everybody. He said anybody could be trained to do it. Its called 'cold reading' I believe, so Google it and have a read.

These folk all take money from vunerable people in my opinion.

Why is it that the dead are always so hard to hear? You'd think they would come through a bit clearer if they had something to say.
Hopefully they only spoke about your business and nothing else/no one else that you were thinking of ............

Now you've really got me worried that I might talk in my sleep!!!
These guys got a couple of things unnervingly right. It was all generally accurate but one or two things on which they pronounced were spot on.
Does any of this strike a chord?

It's bunkum. Some of it is harmless bunkum — if people of apparently sound mind want to pay Madame ZaZa €30 to tell their fortune, then more power to Madame ZaZa!
Unfortunately, many of them shamelessly exploit vulnerable and/or damaged people.
These folk all take money from vunerable people in my opinion.
My opinion as well.

I have a friend who lost a child and who goes regularly to a 'medium' who gives her 'messages' from her child and charges €100 a pop.

She says it gives her comfort to know that her child is 'happy' and 'in heaven', etc.

I think it's a dreadful exploitation of a vunerable, grieving person.
Did you hear about the 4'10" psychic who escaped from a maximum security prison?

The police said that there was a small medium at large.
I went once years ago dragged along by a friend, didn't believe anything before hand and believed even less on leaving - absolute rubbish. Friend of course visits this guy three times a year along with a lot of her other friends. What makes me laugh though is this guy doesn't charge apparently, he does it to help people, however if you would like to leave a donation he will gladly give it to charity. Friend thinks this guy has to be on the level "sure he's not getting anything out of it!", it doesn't compute with her that almost everybody 'donates' a minimum of €20!

Anyone I have ever known who has gone to a medium or who regularly goes usually has issues, they are probably slightly depressed and looking for 'something' to help them, and of course they have obviously experienced grief and loss at some stage hence the need to talk to the dead!. Maybe that was my problem, I don't really know anyone who died who i'd still like to talk to!
Many moons ago in Australia I went to a medium/fortune teller who made an audio tape of the reading. Initially when I came out of it I was all 'wow - she was so good, she knew stuff'.

Years later I came across the tape under a car seat and had a listen. I was gobsmacked at myself.
There I was, feeding her information, which she delivered back to me minutes later in a slightly different format, but I didnt notice at the time that Id already revealed most of the things she was telling me.

Even if you resolve to say nothing leading, your body language gives away if they are going in the right direction or not and they will switch if they are not.

One of the most impressive ones I ever went to in terms of a straight cold read was a gay bloke in dublin city centre, near Break for the Border. I walked in, sat down, said 'hi' and he said 'how was australia?' (I had come back 4 months previously). To this day I dont know how he did it, I wasnt swinging my didgeridoo around, I wasnt practicing my boomarang throwing, and I wasnt wearing anything to indicate Id been. Maybe it was just a lucky guess, I was the right age group for a trip to australia. But straight off the bat like that was impressive
Mind you the rest of it was the usual vague rubbish.

My parents died in tragic circumstances and I have an aunt who regularly goes to a medium and gets 'messages' from them - I dont like to hear the rubbish she gets filled with, it just smacks of pulling the wool over someones eyes who WANTS to believe. She does get comfort from these messages, but the deception aspect is just not pleasant.
Do mediums have the disclaimer "for entertainment purposes only" in small print or on small sign in their premises? Often wondered how obvious these signs are as surely they are a legal requirement.
Do mediums have the disclaimer "for entertainment purposes only" in small print or on small sign in their premises? Often wondered how obvious these signs are as surely they are a legal requirement.

Any ones Ive ever been to have either been in grungy rooms (Im classing fortune tellers in the same boat as mediums here), or they have come to someones house. No disclaimer or advertisments one way or another.