Have You A Mental Association With Any AAM Member?

Lex Foutish

Registered User
Does anything in your daily life, or anything you do, trigger an association with any AAM member?

One of mine is of Sue Ellen. I remember she posted a long time ago about not taking the top newspaper from the bundle, fearing that all the component bits, supplements etc., may not be in it.

Every Sunday morning, when I pop in for a newspaper, all I think about is Sue Ellen cool and I always take the one third or fourth from the top of the pile. (Do I need therapy?)
Have to listen to the women in the office gossiping. If it's not shopping then it's boyfriends. After hearing about some date I was wondering about Becky

After that brilliant thread a few months back I wonder how Becky is getting on with the dating scence.
Who can forget that thread
Did Happy Girl ever find that campsite in France or will she wander around forever searching, in some endless purgatory?
Every Sunday morning, when I pop in for a newspaper, all I think about is Sue Ellen cool and I always take the one third or fourth from the top of the pile. (Do I need therapy?)

This is very common. I always take the one a few down but I have noticed that a lot of people do this as well. As a result I ended up not getting the supplements....I always check now though.

I take the one a few down because I imagine that the local stray dog has piddled on the top one while the newspapers are left outside the shop.
Did Happy Girl ever find that campsite in France or will she wander around forever searching, in some endless purgatory?

Ma recherche est terminée et j'ai trouvé ma desination vacances. We are heading for Soleil Plage in Sarlat in the Summer. Will update my original post with review of it when I get back. Merci à tous ceux qui ont fait des recommandations. Well, how impressed are you with my Francais? http://translate.google.com/
I never take the top paper. Sometimes I rob the supplements from another paper and stick it into the paper I'm buying. I only rob from the top paper though.
I never take the top paper. Sometimes I rob the supplements from another paper and stick it into the paper I'm buying. I only rob from the top paper though.

That's worth at least 3 Our fathers and a Hail Mary

I must work in a strange office because shopping hardly comes up nor products. It's all weddings and babies, 2 subject I have no interest in.

Anyway I had a look at the thread and wow it has over 4,500 views. Dereko1969 was very cross with me and for a minute I was wondering of it was him.

Dating is going fine but I am not a great one for sharing on the net (am paranoid of someone guessing who I am), but thanks for asking though.
I never take the top paper. Sometimes I rob the supplements from another paper and stick it into the paper I'm buying. I only rob from the top paper though.

Are you taking a ST supplement and sticking it into the ST paper or is it a Sindo supplement and you're sticking it into the ST paper? Cause the first is acceptable but the second...ah who am I kidding, who on earth would want to steal the Sindo supplement.

Have a few associations alright. For eg every time I see an Audi TT, first I wonder if it's my hairdresser, then I think about Purple.

Now that there's apparently going to be a Dallas revival, guess who we'll ALL be thinking of?

Everytime I listen to Alain Souchon I think about Dr.M... and so on...
I hate when Style is missing from the ST.

I'd take the Sindos Life - like the beauty product article. i don't ever take the supplements without asking - they often let you late in the day.