Have the Green's lost their morals?


Registered User
Was surprised at how easily the Greens passed their new programme for Government. As a result, I downloaded a copy of it from their website expected to see that they'd got some major concessions. However, there doesnt seem to be anything solid in the document. All vague PR type high level language with zero substance. Did the Greens really vote to stay in Government for no reason?

I can understand how their current TDs would want to stay in Government - want to keep their salaries. However, ordinary members of the Green Party have always protrayed themselves as being full of moral fibre and not interested in personal gain. Looks like I've been proved wrong. It appears that these people have no moral fibre and are motivated by the lust for power at all costs.

One good thing about all this is that the Green are 100% guaranteed not to exist after the next election.
We're talking about politicians yeah?

They should do the logical thing now especially after the revelations about John Gormley's expenses and some would say cronyism as revealed in various newspapers

And the logical thing?

Change their name to Fianna Fail as there is zero difference between them.
the greens are yellow - turkeys have never voted for Christmas, but frequently loose their giblets

opportunistic shower of wasters - anyone for bicycle grants, cheap BMW car tax and mercury laden light bulbs