have no house insurance



to cut a long story short, we just found out today that we dont have house insurance, not that a policy lapsed it never started. i distitctly remeber filling out these forms including all bank details. we got our mortgage through a broker in 2002. all the girl on the phone at the bank could tell me was that they had a proposal on record but that tit was never implemented??? she dosent know how we have a mortgage. i presumed that our payments were included in our mortgage repayments. have to sort out insurance now any recomendations?
am so annoyed that i only coped this now
There are lots of existing threads on house insurance, how much to insure for (reinstatement cost not market value) and where to go for quotes. Browse/search the site/forum to find them.
try www.123.ie I have used them for the last few years. I have even had a claim hassle free.

opposite experience here. changed to 123 this year. policy with eagle star. around november noticed that tank in attic kept filling up ie water flow never stopped. checked it out. no obvious water damage anywhere. so pretty obviously under floor and getting away. rang eagle star. sent claims adjuster who more or less informed me that I was pretty much not covered for anything as there was no water damage visable. when I enquired as to what I was exactly insured for he said they would pay a max of €650 for tracking and tracing the leak. no claim allowed for any damage caused in this tracking and tracing ie wooden floors lifted, tiles in bathroom removed or any damage to shower united lifted out etc.We had totally revamped the kitchen and bathroom in 2006 ( at a cost of over €30,000 - so everything was pretty much new). If you can call an underfloor leak lucky we were lucky as it was a cold water leak and we managed to track it down and repair it with the minimum damage but I am going to review my policy again later this year. highly unlikely to renew with either 123/ eagle star. (and I didn't proceed with the claim as it was only over the excess so not worth the hassle.)
I have found getcover quite competitive. For a better cover, they quoted me 25% cheaper than current insurer.

Regarding reinstatement value, see [broken link removed]for help.
If you have never had a bit of misfortune and never needed to make a claim ,what is the problem? You have saved money since 2002. You should take out a policy immediately, lest the bank decide to backdate policy to date of inception of mortgage!