tommy78: No special circumstance. Mortgage adviser looked at my P60, salary cert etc and said that I was entitled to 5 x my salary as a mortgage, subject of course to me having the required percentage of my own funds.
I also checked the online calculator, inputted my annual salary and it told me the max I'd be allowed borrow ... again it turned out to be 5 x my salary.
The amount you'll eventually get will depend on purchase price and what type of purchase it is. For example: investment mortgage will require that you have a higher percentage of your own funds than a trade-up mortgage will require.
I only have experience of BOI and I used their online calculator to check out things before I called to the bank.
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To be honest, I didn't look further than BOI as I have always banked with them and have always been very happy with them down through the years. I may have saved a little over the lifetime of my mortgage by shopping around but the goodwill that exists between me and BOI was enough to keep me as a customer.
BTW .... I didn't come anywhere near 5x my salary in the mortgage I took out. I took out what I felt I could afford and I stuck with it.
Be happy with what you can afford to pay ...... no point getting a 4x/5x your salary if it will cause you hardship every time you make a payment.
Remember, a mortgage is for life (almost) but unlike a dog you can't drop it off at the local sanctuary when the going gets too tough and it grows too big to be able to manage it properly.