have medical card guidelines changed?


Registered User
medical card(gp only) due for renewal. i can't see where i enter home loans from the credit union, though i've stated i have credit union account? somebody told me they don't include home loans since april? is this true? any advice appreciated.
The medical card guidelines (dated April 2013), which also cover GP visit cards, don't mention credit unions at all.

The only information in the guidelines which refer to Mortgage payments is as follows:

Mortgage Costs
Outgoings in respect of Mortgage Costs are allowable.
The assessment should allow the full weekly/monthly mortgage payment secured against the principal family home and the following outgoings:
Mortgage protection premia.
Life Assurance premia in relation to mortgage protection.
Fire and contents insurance premia.

Evidence of payment of all of the above outgoings must be provided by the applicant to have them taken into the means assessment. Documentary evidence from the mortgage provider as to the purpose of the mortgage/loan may be requested from the applicant from time to time.

If a Mortgage/Loan is in respect of 2
nd house, holiday home abroad etc., then this should be allowed as set out above but the value of the property must be assessed.

The link to the guidelines can be found at the bottom of this website:


You can send a query to the Medical Card processing unit using the "contact us" option on www.medicalcard.ie
