Has there been an easing in mortgage lending restrictions


Registered User
Third hand I was told that some of the EA's are seeing a big increase in viewings since the banks were underwritten last week, that perhaps there is an ease in lending restrictions.

Is this accurate - does it make sense???

If you're asking if lenders have issued new lending criteria since last week, no they haven't.
Third hand I was told that some of the EA's are seeing a big increase in viewings since the banks were underwritten last week, that perhaps there is an ease in lending restrictions.

Is this accurate - does it make sense???


It wouldn't make much sense to me, as in viewings wouldn't pick up automatically to coincide with a less conservative lending system.
I work in a property related field and am not aware of any pick up in viewings.
Perhaps viewing picked up because people assume there will be more credit around...
.. and the reason why there might be more credit becoming available is because our government may well decide to become a sub-prime lender in next week's budget by offering credit to those who can't get the money from the banks (ofcourse it will be called something else eg. help to ftbs blah blah blah). An increase in credit certainly won't be coming from the banks imo...
.. and the reason why there might be more credit becoming available is because our government may well decide to become a sub-prime lender in next week's budget by offering credit to those who can't get the money from the banks (ofcourse it will be called something else eg. help to ftbs blah blah blah). An increase in credit certainly won't be coming from the banks imo...
Third hand I was told that some of the EA's are seeing a big increase in viewings since the banks were underwritten last week, that perhaps there is an ease in lending restrictions.

Is this accurate - does it make sense???


maybe it's the long-awaited 'Autumn selling season'? ;)

but to answer your question - given that the TED spread is at record highs, EURIBOR and LIBOR have gone to crazy heights above official rates, CDS spreads are through the roof and banks all over the world are teetering on the edge of going bust...then no, I doubt there's an ease in lending restrictions!