Has McWilliams lost the plot?

I don't disbelieve him but I find his actions disgusting. They were private conversations. He is supposed to be a serious economic commentator and not some showbiz gossip queen. The guy has lost all credibility in my book. They were cheap shots.
I always liked McWilliams, but his latest series "Addicted to Money" was tosh of the highest order, which took 3hrs to tell us something you could have done in 20mins.

It was one of the worst examples of style over substance and took out-of-focus, glitzy documentary making to new levels.

I too think he has become obsessed with his celebrity rather than real economics.
He is lucky those indo and sunday times quotes were not published on here. Seanie Fitz would be banned for sure with all them asterixxs..

Read McWilliams piece in SBP, he is getting more bitter in his writings which is a surprise for him. Not saying he doesn't have a point but would love to know what really happened as I would say the truth is in between.