Has John O' Donoghue resigned yet

wouldnt be a fan of his but its refreshing to see TD's choosing to publish their expenses, think Leo Veradker does also.

How can he have relatively low expenses to do his job when others need 3 times as much,
I think Willie O Dea has the lowest expense claims in the Dail. Willie has the highest votes of any Politician in the country yet he has the lowest expenses. So why do other TD's have such high expenses?

If you take Willie as an example then it shows that you do not need high expenses to stay elected.

Willie is in the south west and clims 17k per year, John O' Donoghue is in the south west and claims 329k

It is legal theft in my opinion.

Expenses need to be put on the internet for all to see. If they're legitimate then no TD has anything to fear.

Ministers, such as Willie O'Dea, always have lower expenses claims than ordinary TDs - they are not in the same expenses regime due to Departments, rather than constituencies, being regarded as a Minister's HQ and because a Minister has access to a lot of resources that are paid for directly by the Department for which they do not need to claim.
They should be given credit cards to pay for everyting and the credit card statement published monthly.

So does this mean that John O' Donoghues expenses are even worse if some were hidden away by the department?

Willie is in the south west and clims 17k per year, John O' Donoghue is in the south west and claims 329k

Its attitudes like this that feeds the monster and allows our banana republic to carry on corruptly. This is exactly the way the politicans want you to think. Its comparing one thing with something totally different.
What about John Waters who says our outrage is because of self loathing over our excesses during the good times.

Warning: may induce nausea, vomiting and/or severe cramps.
What dignity. What magnanimity. What a crock.
I heard the speech today on the radio. I just can't believe that this man is so far removed from how people in this country really feel about him and his expenses.
The politicians in this country have lived the high life for so long that they just don't see the reality of what is facing us.
John O'Donoghue has a hard neck. I reckon he went back to Kerry and got told by his supporters that he had done nothing wrong, and wrote that speech feeling very hard done by.
Kerry man jokes will be deserved if he's voted back in at the next election by the people of South Kerry.
I just can't believe that this man is so far removed from how people in this country really feel about him and his expenses.

Not condoning JO'D but I've worked in both public and private sector and misuse/milking of expenses is commonplace. I have seen it all and I'll admit I have done it myself when the occasion arose. In the public service a common one was mileage - I would see guys claiming mileage for 3 separate onsite visits on 3 different days whereas they actually did all 3 visits in one day and one round trip. In the private sector forged taxi receipts was a common one and in the good times extravagance (hotels/meals) was the norm when the customer was paying. Its fraud I know but we Irish, well some of us, are good at cheating the system...root and branch
I would see guys claiming mileage for 3 separate onsite visits on 3 different days whereas they actually did all 3 visits in one day and one round trip. In the private sector forged taxi receipts was a common one

Yes. This is fraud and anyone caught deserves to be punished. The it seems to be an intrinsic part of our culture is depressing but this isn't a reasonable defence when cornered.
I think its very sad that JOD doesnt seem to understand that he's done anything wrong. Talk about being out of touch with reality.
This is a laugh...

A FULL investigation may be launched into revelations that a Galway City Councillor who doesn’t own a car or driving licence claimed more than €4,000 in mileage expenses for driving to conferences.
Cllr Michael Crowe (FF) has demanded that the local authority probes the expenses of Labour’s Cllr Billy Cameron, who claimed mileage for travelling to conferences all over Ireland in 2007 and 2008 despite being unable to drive – reopening a controversy that flared during the local elections in June.
Cllr Cameron did not own a car or driving licence when he claimed the mileage money – he cited a Hyundai car on his expenses’ claim forms. The car was owned by his brother Jerome, who had driven him to the conferences. It later emerged that the car in question did not have an up-to-date road tax disc or a current NCT.
Cllr Cameron, who topped the poll in the City Central Ward in the local election despite the potentially damaging expenses allegations emerging during the campaign, had claimed €4,028 in total for mileage for conferences.
When contacted by this newspaper yesterday, Cllr Cameron declined to comment other than to say, “if it comes up in the (Council) Chamber, or any other forum, I will address it”.
In June Cllr Cameron said instead of using public transport, he paid his brother to drive him to the conferences, which he had been told was “totally legal”.
Trust me, expense misuse is everywhere - public and private. Public has more scope & scale because nobody monitors it (in the past that is).
Trust me, expense misuse is everywhere - public and private. Public has more scope & scale because nobody monitors it (in the past that is).

We had an audit from Revenue last week. She looked at all expenses. We allow the lowest rate for mileage and have no fixed rate allowances (no fixed amount for overnight stays etc). There is little of no scope for expenses abuse in the private sector. I’m not saying people don’t try it but if they do it will catch up with them.