Has Enda run out of steam already?


Registered User
I had hoped for some good opposition in the run up to this election but looking at the way Enda Kenny has handled things regarding the case full of cash I am very disapointed.
This week he just did not look to have any leaders qualities.
A case full of cash or not doesn't matter a damn to my life or yours. What does matter to me is that the current government have made a fiasco out of our health service, failed to deliver on education, security, infrastructure....I'm not giving Bertie and his shower another chance to make it even worse!

Was very impressed with Enda's Ard Fheis speech - a man who's prepared to fall on his sword if he can't fulfil his promises..that's refreshing.

Personally I think FF are behind the case of cash leak...there are plenty of them out for Bertie too!

Yes I too was very impressed with his speech and he always seemed very upfront and honest, thats why I am hoping this past week will not have ruined that impression.
www.politics.ie might be a more appropriate platform for this stuff?

I thought LOS was for discussing current affairs, sports etc

As for the OP's question, I never rated him. He seems to be trying to be more populist than Bertie, no mean feat in itself. Pat Rabbitt will run rings around him if they get into office. Labour in general seem to have stronger personalities but it's hard to gauge that 'till they are in office.
Was very impressed with Enda's Ard Fheis speech - a man who's prepared to fall on his sword if he can't fulfil his promises..that's refreshing.

Did you catch last nights primetime(covering the PR/market research roles in Ireland and how they've been imported from other countries esp. USA) evidently its the same promise John Kerry made alongside with Silvio Berlusconi, admirable promise but still only election waffle about the same league as compensation for eircom investors.
Compensation for Eircom was one politician (who's now deceased) having a mad idea.

Enda is one of the most honourable people I've ever met and he will stand by his promise. I'm going to give him the chance to.
Compensation for Eircom was one politician (who's now deceased) having a mad idea.
Not quite - [broken link removed]

"Party leader Mr Michael Noonan said he would allow small investors who suffered losses when they bought shares during the flotation of the previously State-owned telecom company to offset their losses"

There is some truth to what you say though as I believe Fine Gael quickly realized it was a mad idea but since the promise was made couldn't back down without losing face.

Anyway "the contract" is an easy promise from a leader of a party out of power for so long. The choice is not be Taoiseach at all versus being Taoiseach for 5 years then heroically stepping down (though keeping Taoiseach pension + perks of course) due to missing the acute hospital bed target by a couple hundred beds. If they really mess up - he'd be gone anyway - contract or not.
With all the promises that the blueshirts have made in the past 2 months alone, the dog in the street would know he couldn't keep them but still makes them , there will be no revolution in healthcare, education , childcare , garda numbers only a constant split in the coalition of FG/Labour.
"...heroically stepping down (though keeping Taoiseach pension + perks of course) ..."

Our politicians are undoubtedly well paid, and some arguably overpaid. However, in all fairness, I do not believe that the pay\pension+perks are in any way a significant motivating factor for any of those aspiring to the office of Taoiseach.
I am glad to see that Enda is sticking to his word and not getting involved with the Bertie 30k cash/stamp duty/renovation buisness just getting on with the election and let us know what FG will do if they get in. I have always liked Bertie but now its gone beyond a joke.
Enda Kenny always looks like a waxwork to me. He kinda scares me. Pat Rabitte has an annoying way of not answering a straight question. Most politicians are good at this but Pat is exceptional.
The opposition alternative seems disappointing to me in this this election so far. Two Mayo men v FF. I can see FF+Greens in power with Cowen as Taoiseach.

Tonight on TV with Eddie Hobs and Matt Cooper Trevor Sargent would not say who he would like to go into Gov with they just could not pin him down.

Eddie mentioned he wants Bertie out and Brian in