Has Congress replaced Labour as a party


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So I just got a flyer through the mailbox from "Congress" (0.6 cm font size) and "Irish Congress of Trade Unions" (0.1 cm font size) asking me to "ACT!" with a national demonstration.

Now as previously discussed I think that the attempt to use "congress" rather than the full title in headlines is there to give them the picture of a legit organisation representing all the workers and not just a segment and to offer themselves as an alternative to the exsting polictics structure.

Now reading their manifesto on the other page of the flyer it really reads like a flyer composed by election spin doctors and a party's manifest rather than a union.

So classicly the labor party has been allied to the Labour movement and trade unions but why do I get the feeling that "Congress" has replaced the labour party?

The manifesto read like class warfare (you were paying for the party but you were not invited...) and would make Karl Marx proud.

So, what do we think, has "Congress" replaced the Labour party and will be see them forming a new party running in elections?

And by the way: No thank you I'm not going to join you for your demonstration because the solutions you offer are just hogwash, but thanks for offering.
I think you know me views on this one.
BTW, since when were the ICTU and the Labour party really different organisations?
Do the Irish Labour Party get funding from the unions? If so then they are being subsidised by the people of |Ireland through tax breaks since union dues are tax free.
Has ISME and IBEC replaced the PDs as a party?

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IBEC is a trade union (affiliated to the ICTU). How could they replace a center right party?
ISME are too samll to matter (and act in the interest of their members rather than play at being politicians).