Has Boards.ie gone all SOPA on us? Are you able to get beyond the diatribe?


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Has Boards.ie gone all SOPA on us? Are you able to get beyond the diatribe?

On going into Boards.ie via a google search I was redirected to a page consisting of an open letter to Min Sherlock. I coulnt proceed to the page I was searching for.

When I tried later I was able to get in. Are Boards.ie experimenting with having a one day lock down like WikiPedia?

You should be able to get rid of the notice by clicking the red X in the top right corner. It
Sean Sherlock is trying to introduce SOPA here too.
He is (or was) in violation of it himself as his website contained copyrighted images.

ACTA is the main one to worry about as it's already been signed up to by many countries.