Has anyone used the Decision Support Service for EPoA/ACD?


Registered User
https://www.decisionsupportservice.ie (decisionsupportservice.ie)

Enduring Power of Attorney / Advanced Care Directive

Just starting on this process, and I'm finding it confusing! Solicitor says, complete the forms on the DDS and he'll sign off on them.

There's a lot of how-to information on the website, within 5 minutes I had 5 open tabs. But we're in different geographical locations, and I'm trying to do my best to explain everything about it to my very elderly mother. Unfortunately I can only visit about once a week. I'm a bit nervous about starting the process and then having to leave it for a week.

Did anyone find it easy?
I have started the process. The first thing I’d recommend is that you get a verified Gov.id account for yourself & your mother. Both attorney (you) and your mother (donor) will need a verified Gov.id account to do it online. If you are going to have more than one attorney, they will need a verified Gov.id account also. I set up my parents Gov.id accounts. Take a picture on both sides of her social security/welfare card (travel pass card). You need an email and mobile number to set up an account. I used my mobile number for their accounts also because the account needs to be verified by codes sent to mobile. This can be changed afterwards. The hardest part is getting the Gov.id accounts set up for all.

You will then be able to log into DSS with the Gov.id verified account. You could log into it as your mother (with her permission) and create the Enduring Power of Attorney. The DSS website has 22 minute long video showing you the entire process. Things have to be done sequentially so make sure to watch the videos and read all supporting information.

Good luck creating Gov.id accounts. I can give more information once that’s completed

Hi 1988.
Slightly off topic but wondering can you use your own mobile phone to set up a parents verified account if you use thst same mobile for your own verified account. My elderly parent has no mobile so we have never set up a verified account for her.. Have just renewed her public service card in the Intreo office this week.
Hello Meathlady, Yes, I used the same mobile number for myself and both parents. This worked out better because I was able to log into DSS as each of them and could verify because they sent me the codes. The email however must be unique to each Gov.id user
Thank you. That's great to know. I didn't realise that was possible.