Has anyone used Microsoft Office for Home and Student 2007


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I'm thinking about buying a new laptop and Microsoft Office for Home and Student 2007 comes with it. Is anyone familiar with this software. I am mostly interested in Word.
You will find mixed reviews regarding MS Office 2007.

In our business , we continue to use MS Office 2003 , as it is way user-friendly .

Our IT Dept have uninstalled MS2007 on all new Vista PC's and installed MS2003 instead .

As we have not personally used MS Office 2007 , would not be able to advise on its popularity .
Thanks. I am very familiar with MS Office 2003 too. Hoped 2007 package would be similar.
Office 2007 is very different to previous versions with the introduction of endless tabs and icons on the toolbar. As the previous poster quite rightly said, there have been mixed reviews about it. I find it ok but it does take time to "learn" where everything is. Office 2003 was and still is very popular.

Office 2010 Beta is floating around at the minute and it's supposed to be following in the footsteps of 2007.
I've been using Office 2007 for 18 months now and am very happy with it. Took a little while to find some of the new features, but no problems apart from that.

Always save files in "compatibility mode" though it I need to email/transfer them as lots of people still using older versions of Office.
I've been using Office 2007 for 18 months now and am very happy with it. Took a little while to find some of the new features, but no problems apart from that.

Always save files in "compatibility mode" though it I need to email/transfer them as lots of people still using older versions of Office.


I use excel at work and found it took a bit of getting used to but wouldnt change back now, filters and pivots are so much easier now.
I have only recently started using it and am struggling to work out differences as I use previous versions at work and as for Vista !