Has anyone successfully completed a negative equity trade Up mortgage?

Brendan Burgess

I have looked for a case study of where someone had actually traded up with a negative equity mortgage for this Key Post Apartment too small for my family - what are our options? , but I have not been able to locate one.

Karl Deeter explains the criteria and procedure in this article

According to Louise McBride in the Sindo, only 175 negative equity mortages have been given to people trading up, although I don't know how reliable this is.

(6 homeowners have got negative equity mortgages to trade down. )

[broken link removed]
Maximum loan: 175% of new home
[broken link removed]
Maximum loan: 125% of new home

These banks also do them:

  • Permanent TSB,
  • Danske Bank,
  • Bank of Irelan has a Movers Mortgage but give no details
  • Ulster Bank
Note: Ulster Bank only allow trackers to be transferred where there is positive equity
Has anyone completed one? Could you provide the following details, so we see what the banks are allowing

House value
Amount outstanding on existing mortgage:
Existing interest rate
Savings available
Cost of new house
Amount of new mortgage required:
New interest rate
Gross salary self:
Gross salary spouse:
Did you sell first or did you have to close both contracts on the same day?

General comments: (e.g. Was it easy to get approval? Did you know in advance what criteria you had to meet?)
Any advice for others in the same position: