Has anyone reported map errors to Teleatlas or Navteq? Response times?


Has anyone reported map errors to Teleatlas or Navteq?

How did the process work for you? How easy was it for you to describe the error and how quick was the response from the mapmaker?

In Ireland Google Maps (and by extension Street View) is based on Teleatlas and there are some fairly fundamental errors around the country. I think Tom Tom Sat Navs also use Teleatlas.

Garmin use Navteq which is better for Ireland but still has errors and omissions.

Incorrect street names, missing roads, inaccessable mountain/forestry tracks shown as public roads and roads through private property shown as public roads are the most common errors I have seen.
I've reported an error to Teleatlas, I believe it was sometime in May '10 - they have a follow your error report tracking system, acknowledge receipt, investigate and confirm problem, the report went through these stages fairly quickly (3-4) weeks the last stage is maps updated and the report is still outstanding, and map still incorrect.
It was a one-way road with the one-way direction going the wrong way - pretty fundamental.