has anyone lost wt by going for Aerobics


Registered User
wondering if going for 4 days of aerobics class will help in reducing wt?
To be honest, I wouldn't have thought so unless it was combined with a rapid weight-loss diet or detox. How much are you looking to lose?
Don't do step aerobics as it tends to bulk you up. Jogging (at whatever speed you can manage) for over an hour may help with weight loss.
RPR said:
wondering if going for 4 days of aerobics class will help in reducing wt?
Maybe combined with a relatively healthy/balanced diet. But then again any moderate exercise (e.g. 20+ mins walking per day as many days a week as possible) with such a diet will have the same effect and will cost nothing.
Diet to loose weight then train to tone up and get fit. Or do both same time. Its easier to cut back on calories input than try and burn them off afterwards. For fit people of already fit weight it takes an hour of hard running( ie under 7mins/mile) to loose a 1,000 calories, but takes only a few minutes to eat them!
RPR said:
wondering if going for 4 days of aerobics class will help in reducing wt?
Of course it will help as long as it is in addition to your normal calorie output and not instead of it and as long as you keep your calorie input at your current level.
It may not be the most efficient way but anything that uses up more calories helps to reduce weight.
It will also help to increase your bone density.
I must say that I do feel that your diet is the most effective weight management tool that you have.
need to loose 30 Kg, becasue of wt, having lot of health issues.
Initially thought of curves, but when I went there...the room was stinking with sweat. They did not have the windows or airconditioning up and running.
Just had to get out.

So now thinking of Aerobics...as the hall is airy and there is a person making you do the aerobics.
Take a look at the website
There are some amazing weight loss success stories there.
Hi RPR - Your original post mentioned '4 days' - Can you explain what you meant here? Is this '4 days per week'? Or '4 days in a row'? Or something else?

If you need to lose weight for health reasons, have a chat with your GP about your exercise programme and your diet. A sensible, controlled adjustment to both diet and exercise will allow you to lose weight and keep it off. Don't fall for the dramatic buzz of sudden weight loss via an unsustainable programme only to find that the weight climbs back on.
Meant to go 4 days every week(mon, tue, thur, fri). I did speak to my Dr, adviced me to go for Aerobics.

While on Aerobics, I was also planning to do sensible dieting.
Thanks woods, the site does look promising, registered, will scan thru and find out some good low cal food.
RPR said:
Thanks woods, the site does look promising, registered, will scan thru and find out some good low cal food.
Well the thing about this way of eating is that you do not have to worry about calories or fat content. As long as it is raw you can eat as much and as often as you want but it is not for everybody. There are lots of people who could not handle such a drastic change in their life.
For breakfast today I had a large slice of pie. It was made up of 3 layers and I prepared it last night in about 10 mins.
The bottom layer is made up of Cashew Nuts (any nuts will do) and Raisins mixed in the food processer.
The next layer is one whole organic lemmon, about 8 dried figs and about 8 dried apricots mixed in the blender with some water.
The third layer was 2 packs of fresh blueberries.
As I said it is not for everybody but I love it and you can eat as much as you like and still loose lots of weight.
The bottom layer is made up of Cashew Nuts (any nuts will do) and Raisins mixed in the food processer.
The next layer is one whole organic lemmon, about 8 dried figs and about 8 dried apricots mixed in the blender with some water.
The third layer was 2 packs of fresh blueberries.
As I said it is not for everybody but I love it and you can eat as much as you like and still loose lots of weight.

Woods .. ohmigod maybe you have a naturally high metabolism but that would make me double in size in two weeks!!! You must be doing something else that is making you loose weight! Those foods may be fruit but this pie you recommend is incredibly high in calories! The dried figs and cashew nuts especially!

I highly recommend porridge for breakfast ... it makes you feel full until lunchtime. Also recommend spinning classes 2/3 times a week. If your just starting to exercise for the first time it's brilliant because you go at your own pace but you'll be motivated by those around you and it's better for you than jogging if your heavy (less pressure on your knees). Jogging for 30mins 2/3 a week is excellent for burning the calories later on when your fitter and have reached your healthy weight.

The main thing is don't starve yourself, just eat healthy and have regular small meals. If you urgently need to loose weight maybe cut out bread and potatoes in addition to the normal stuff like chocolate, fizzy drinks and crisps.
ariidae said:
Woods .. ohmigod maybe you have a naturally high metabolism but that would make me double in size in two weeks!!! You must be doing something else that is making you loose weight! Those foods may be fruit but this pie you recommend is incredibly high in calories! The dried figs and cashew nuts especially!

I highly recommend porridge for breakfast ... it makes you feel full until lunchtime. Also recommend spinning classes 2/3 times a week. If your just starting to exercise for the first time it's brilliant because you go at your own pace but you'll be motivated by those around you and it's better for you than jogging if your heavy (less pressure on your knees). Jogging for 30mins 2/3 a week is excellent for burning the calories later on when your fitter and have reached your healthy weight.

The main thing is don't starve yourself, just eat healthy and have regular small meals. If you urgently need to loose weight maybe cut out bread and potatoes in addition to the normal stuff like chocolate, fizzy drinks and crisps.
No. You are missing the point. Our bodies are designed to eat raw food and know how to deal with it. It is cooked food that it can not deal with. If they check your white blood cell count before you eat a meal and then check it again after you eat cooked food it will have gone way up because your body actually sees it as alien but it does not react that way to raw foods.
I also eat lots of avacodas which people normally give a miss but I can not put on weight.
Check out that web site that I recomended. For this to be a success you have to eat most of your food raw. I eat all of mine raw but I have learned to prepare some great meals.
Aghhh i see ... it's a "diet"! Right well i'm soooo bored with all those fads - "South Beach", "Atkins" etc! The way to go is just match your calorie intake with your calorie usage i.e. Put down the fork :)
ariidae said:
Aghhh i see ... it's a "diet"! Right well i'm soooo bored with all those fads - "South Beach", "Atkins" etc! The way to go is just match your calorie intake with your calorie usage i.e. Put down the fork :)
No it is not a diet. It is a lifestyle that I have choosen. I did not need to loose weight when I chose it because I have always eaten healthy foods. It just so happens that overweight people who chose this way of life reduce their weight drastically. I thought that I was skinny but still dropped about 14lbs even though I tried hard not to. The fat composition in my body has reduced from 32% to 22% and at me age that is a low body fat.
This was not about weight for me. It was about health but I know that a lot of people chose it for weight reasons so that was why I recomended it. Because it is a health choice then if you also loose weight on it then it has to be the healthiest way to do it.
I have never been on a diet in my life.

thats really interesting, what you say about raw foods...it sounds like it makes sense too!

Might give that a go myself, even just one meal and one snack a day of raw foods might make me feel healthier.

good lad! m
Raw food faddies should take care to avoid certain foods - e.g. certain beans in particular red kidney beans - which are poisonous when un/under cooked.