Has anyone just given up on ETFs/Trusts and moved to investment companies (Zurich etc)


Registered User

I've got a couple of ETFs about five years ago. I very rarely bought extra units as I was worried about all the seemed disposal stuff. They're probably worth around 5k in total.

I'm a regular paye worker but have to do a full return as I have a share purchase scheme in work that makes me do a form 11.

I have recently started looking at the option of these lower cost execution only investment accounts that some advisors offer in Ireland where you can invest in an etf style fund with a management charge generally of 1% or less with the likes of Zurich. I'm strongly considering doing this as it seems like a much smaller amount of work. I want to start making more regular contributions to my investments and feel reluctant to do this with ETFs due to the looming eight year rule. If I have my sums right, a 1% annual management charge on my assets will only be around €50.

However on the other hand, the ETFs I've invested in have grown around 70-100% each so if they were a regular share I'd not consider selling them. I'm just wondering if any of you have given up on ETFs entirely and moved your funds to the likes of Zurich, Irish life and just accepted the potential higher charges?
Moving from directly held ETFs to investments funds does not eliminate the 8 year deemed disposal only the management of it
Thanks for the comments. I suppose there's no right answer on this. I like the flexibility that funds allow you to buy units, for example some ETFs are so expensive now you couldn't pay 100 a month and buy a share. The tax management is a bonus too but as I'm already doing a form 11 it's not a huge burden. I think I'll do disposal some time this year, tot up my due tax and figure out what to do next whether that be buy back in or setup a fund
Moving from directly held ETFs to investments funds does not eliminate the 8 year deemed disposal only the management of it
Can I ask you what you mean by "the mgt of it"?

As I understand it, ETFs & Investment funds are both subject to 8 year deemed disposal rule.

Also, please correct me if I'm wrong?. Both are taxed at 41% rather than CGT rate of 33%?
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