Has anyone has a vasectomy? (Please no med.discussions)

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Makes me glad I'm married, don't think I'd be able for it.

Sure, according to the posters around here the married women cant get enough of it!! Makes me feel vindiciated for putting one of those 'house arrest' trackers on the wife, between that and the CCTV twill put a halt to her gallop, cant be too careful ......
I think I may have pain for the rest of the night after watching that.

Can anyone else smell burning
Can anyone else smell burning
My other brother told me that during his procedure at the vets, he thought the nurses were cooking their breakfast rasher sandwich in the next room, until he realised where that burn smell was coming from.
Brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it! Once worked with a chap who had it done after 3 kids. Apparently it wasn't all that painful but his goolies swelled up to the size of a grapefruit for 10 days post op!
I usually find myself sitting (tightly) cross-legged reading such threads. A similar thread a few years back produced possibly the best one-liner ever on AAM. One poster pointed out that while a reversal is possible, there is a vas deferens between the two procedures.
Brilliant..funny post of the month..
I'm not touching that link.

Just forced the OH to watch the link;

1. He said he was more upset after watching that clip than he was after watching Schindlers List (a lot)

2. I am not allowed to speak to him for the rest of the night

3. Is insisting he has just watched a man die and am I happy now?!?! Somehow he thinks this is women's revenge for Mother Nature.

Honestly that was the funniest few minutes of my month
Right that's it - I'm not doing it.

Glad to see that you are not doing.

I know for a fact that dogs that get it done are never the same again. They become more docile and mostly fat. So beware, this may be a plot by women
This post will be deleted if not edited immediately - I wasn't planing on castration !
If someone was thinking of it then, apart from THE EXCRUCIATING PAIN, I suppose the other thing would be what if, in changed circumstances, you wanted more kids?

OK theres the re-connection option but wouldnt a simpler solution (in theory at least) be to "open an account" with a sperm bank. Is that feasible?, is there a use by date on such stuff? (no medical info required)
I hope we don't have to bail out the sperm bank as well. This post will be deleted if not edited immediately!
OK theres the re-connection option but wouldnt a simpler solution (in theory at least) be to "open an account" with a sperm bank. Is that feasible?, is there a use by date on such stuff? (no medical info required)
I thought that the fertility clinics only took deposits from people undergoing cancer treatment, as they just don't have the room to keep deposits from people going for vasectomies. Maybe there's a business opportunity there?
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