Has anyone has a vasectomy? (Please no med.discussions)

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Thinking about it.

Just wondering what anyone's experience was.

E.g. I've heard:

Quick simple op - 30 mins

Not that painful - back on your feet in 2 days

Relatively cheap (€2-300?)

Complications/post op discomfort rare (allowing a reasonable time, say a week, for recover)

Anyone any comments?

Please no actual medical advice, just personal comments/feelings on their experience.
Few friends have had one and they'd generally agree with your points in that overall it isn't that bad. One compared it to a groin strain, uncomfortable but manageable.

The only word of caution they all mentioned was stairs, avoid stairs as much as you can. Not pleasant.

One other knock on benefit was they reckon it was the only time they've ever had been off for recouperation (either illness or injury) and had full on, total tender loving care for the whole period (or at least 2 days seems to be the average limit, one lucky chap stretched it out for 2 weeks though). Brownie points were also well into the double figures afterwards.
Havent had it done personally - a biological impossibility , but I do know 2 people who have had it done and all seems to be as you say above.

The only bit you left out is you have to wait a period of weeks/months to get the all clear that your samples are free of swimmers, as it can take some time for the 'pipes' to clear out.

I also know a young guy who wanted one but couldnt find a consultant who would do it in Ireland as he was still in his 20s and had no children. He was told that he might change his mind and he was too young to be considered.
Thanks - no stairs at home or work.

What about driving? might be awkward I guess.

Do you just go and make an appointment or do you need a GP referral? Should be OK on the kids issue/regret etc - don't have any, don't want any (obviously) and both early 40s.
I think I heard that its reversable (no, you cant turn 'em inside out but you can re-connect).

Any accounts I've heard concur with those below. Think I'll be on that track after a few more years, wonder does Trigger still have his Black & Decker?
Based on the experience of a close friend of mine , I have two comments

Post Vasectomy pain Syndrome is more common than you think - If you get it, you can be in constant pain for 6 months to a year. Google it.

Even if you do recover quickly, cycling is not a good idea for a while.
I'm a bit surprised no one round here has owned up to having had one.

Well I had one in 1980 as a day procedure in the Adelaide. It was about as bad as man flu.

The only downside was that soon after I got my 'you're sterile' letter , along came HIV.

Still, I carried that letter around in my wallet until it fell to bits. Just in case.

Eh? Why did you the carry the letter around? Please tell me you didn't use the letter to reassure women that contraception was not needed! Suppose it was 1980!
Please tell me you didn't use the letter to reassure women that contraception was not needed!

LOL - just imagine the scenario: Hoagy in a bar, getting on well with a "lovely girl", impresses her with his dance moves, his choice of cocktail, his car and then the piece de resistance as he reaches into his pocket and produces an official looking piece of paper:

"And best of all baby, tonight's your lucky night - can't even get ye up the duff - who could ask for more? Get yer coat love"
it's an operation, and like any operation, it can have it's risks and side effects. Haven't had one myself, but I know a former flatmate spent a week sitting on the couch in considerable pain after he had his. I expect for most people, it is quite minor, but there will be exceptions to the rule

Wonder does that work these days. A letter from the STD clinic giving me the all clear could be the difference between a successful night out and another one spent alone!
Wonder does that work these days. A letter from the STD clinic giving me the all clear could be the difference between a successful night out and another one spent alone!

God, the romance of it all. Makes me glad I'm married, don't think I'd be able for it.

As for a vasectomy, as by definition only a man can have one- it will hurt. It will hurt like hell and it will be worse than the woman in your life can possibly imagine. And then some.
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