Has anyone ever used or bought items from gumtree.ie if so what was your experience

got a tiler from it. made a mess of the job. said he'd come back and fix it. wouldnt answer calls etc then. wouldnt advise to get that kind of work done by someone off it.
It's a bit of a free-for-all, far less moderated/vetted than e.g. the Buy&Sell.
gumtree.com is an open medium where community members are free to post whatever, within reason! You are solely responsible for all information that you submit to gumtree.com and any consequences that may result from your post.
I needed a plasterer at short notice to tidy up a wall after kitchen cabinets had been removed. I'm sure it's hit or miss, but as it happens, the man who showed up was not just a great character, he was old school, as far as knowing what we needed. Fair price too, and lots of experience.

He did a nice job -- better than we'd hoped; even did some extra we hadn't mentioned (a break on a corner of the wallboard where the hole for the door frame had been broken through into the next room).

It's certainly potluck, but we got lucky this once.
