Has anyone ever had a naming ceremony?


Registered User
I was thinking of having a naming ceremony for my child. Can you anyone give me any info regarding it, what kind of music did you have playing, etc etc.
Try contacting the Irish Humanist Society as they have celebrants who provide music, poems, etc.. and can be a very personalised event!
Why depend on others, especially organisations, for guidance. Do whatever suits you and what you feel is right for you and your child. The Irish Humanist Society come across as an even more dour bunch than most organised religions judging by their newsletter so I wouldn't depend on them for advice on a fun or stimulating ceremony!
We had one in Sept 04.
I looked at the Humanist Society stuff back and just thought hey we'll do this ourselves..

So we hired a room, invited family and friends (who treated it very much like a christening).
I bought everyone a drink on the way in - we had soup and sandwiches arranged a few hours later..
After that I stood up and spake a bit about the wee man (now a big terror!), the "godparents" my brother read a poem
and we had a PC hooked up with webcam for godmother in Oz to read out a short poem...few tears 'cos she hadn't met him then!
Then we got hammered...

A good day had by all - still get the odd comment.
I've to do in all again this Sept (touch wood) and will probably go with pretty much the same format.