has anyone any info on the iphone 3g s?


Registered User
hi, i hope im in the right forum, i was just wondering if anyone had any information on how much you would expect to pay for the new iphone due out next week?

and also, whether it would actually be available in Ireland next week!

replies appreciated, i am considering the cosy arms on Vodafone for it, although i heard a glimmer of a rumour that vodafone may take it on but surely this is just a dream, surely apple are sticking to 02?

one more question (sorry) i am currently under contract with vodafone, how much will it cost me to break it to go to o2?

Last time I checked there was no info on the o2 or carphonewarehouse websites, but as usual the phone seems to be available in other countries.
Its here on June 26.

Spoke to my mate who is the manager in a phone store and getting the 1st one that comes in

No word yet on prices but should be known soon.
From Apple Website.

With a built-in digital compass, iPhone 3G S can point the way. Use the new Compass app or watch as it automatically reorients maps to match the direction you’re facing

That is class. It's the little things...
That is class. It's the little things...

little things like MMS and tethering you mean?
compass doesnt even register in the most useful features.
besides, its been there in a lot of phones for quite a while.
not worth the upgrade really.
Think long and hard about the iphone.Yes they are one of the best lookin phones around and the touch screen is amazing. Ive had one for over a year and I only had two complaints which caused me to go and get a different phone.
1. Itunes , is it just me or does anybody else hate itunes????its not the most friendliest of applications .
2. The speakers... Must be the smallest on the planet,the volume is sooooo low.
Im a wee bit deaf so like my rinning volume up well loud but no joy with this Ive even cracked it and clocked it to max out the volume and still not that loud. Honestly I was missing calls left right and centre and I believe Im not the only one to winge over this .
Anyways thats my rant over , thanks & good luck!