has anybody moved from Dublin and missed it?


Registered User
Just wondered has anybody moved from Dublin and missed it. Moved from Dublin 3 years ago. Like where I am in midlands, but still miss the convenience of Dublin, being able to get a bus anywhere, and the fact that most courses I want to do seem to be there, along with a better range of jobs (though that may not be the case now). Have house in Dublin, in which I currently rent out two rooms. Thinking of moving back, but wondering about effect on children 5 and 6.5. Any opinions greatly appreciated.
Re: Move from Dublin

Im trying to move from Dublin i wouldnt move back if i was you. What is there really too miss maybe the noise, the trouble,etc i would move in a heartbeat if the market wasn't so bad and i hadn't lost the value on my house. I work in Mullingar and i get there quicker and with less stress and grief than driving to city centre here. I have a 12 year old son and he can't wait to move...Hope this helps
Re: Move from Dublin

We moved to Portlaoise in July 2006, our two youngest children moved with us aged 17 and 15 at that time.. it was a nightmare for many reason, but one in particular were our neighbours... they were neighbours from hell.. also commuting to Dublin was exhausting, but to be honest I missed the convienence of having everything to hand.. we put our house up for sale in Feb 2007, and have since bought back in Dublin....
Re: Move from Dublin

You will always miss your home.Home is the place where you have the fondest memories,where you feel comfortable and relaxed and where you have your friends and family.If this place is Dublin then you should stay.
Re: Move from Dublin

Hi! everyone, thanks for your replies. Dublienr55, I am living in Portlaoise now having moved in 2006. Generally like the slower pace of life and find the prople friendly but clannish. However, am commuting to Dublin for study purposes one day a week, and for the children to visit their dad every second weekend in Dublin. Find this tiring and the wear and tear on my car is significant. Also only on temporary contract here with HSE, if this goes, it will be difficult to find work in my area here - whereas there would generally be more options in Dublin. Sparkee, yes a lot of my good friends would be in Dublin, though some are also scattered around the country.
Re: Move from Dublin

The wear and tear on our car was unbelievable, we commuted to Dublin everyday for work reasons and this in itself costs us a fortune... the slower pace of life was nice initially, but it soon became unbearable, I have to admit I missed all the familiar places, faces and friends and family of course...so the move back to Dublin was right for us.
Re: Move from Dublin

Hi! Dubliner56, thanks for your reply. Yes, since I moved to Portlaoise I am on my second car - I did 70k in 18 months on my last car and when I went to sell it they gave me a poor price for it because the mileage was so high. Also the commuting costs are high in terms of diesel - E400 per month.
Re: Move from Dublin

In terms of commuting, I know it may not be practical depending on where you live/work, but a taxsaver rail ticket from Portlaoise to Heuston costs €2,590 for the year and you can get tax and prsi relief at the marginal rate, so if you pay top rate it would only cost €1,372 (less than 4 months fuel).
Re: Move from Dublin

Hi! j126, thanks for your reply. Unfortunately commuter train doesn't really work for me as I am a nurse working shifts, and last train from Hueston is too early.
Re: Move from Dublin

moved from Dublin to Naas originally and then to Carlow last year and I wouldn't move back to Dublin to live if you paid me. I commute in and out to Tallaght every day and its probably no longer time wise then if I was trying to drive through Dublin.

Pace of life is more relaxed down the country, prices are much cheaper and financially we are better off and there's nothing in Dublin that I couldn't get outside of the city.
Re: Move from Dublin

I moved from Shankill to Navan a year and a half ago. I still work in Cabinteely. My wife is from Beaumont and lives in Navan as well.
I don't regret the move. I moved back into a house that I bought ten years ago and had rented after we got married.
The only pain in the @rse is the commute every day. However I can be up and back in an hour each way. The things I like about where I live in Navan are that it is quiet and people are friendly. The drawbacks would be the easy access to shops and the wear and tear on both our cars. I think we are staying put however. The property in our estate has not sold at all in the last year and a half. Mind you, we have a low mortgage.
Re: Move from Dublin

We moved to Dunshaughlin five years ago and have no regrets at all. I work in Ballyfermot, start early, finish early so almost aways the same commute time each day, 35/40 min to work, one hour back home. We still have an 01 phone number so we haven't entirely broken the umbilical chord with Dublin! We live just a couple of minutes walk from the village, but the vicinity of where we live is very quiet, which is a big plus for us.
One thing I do miss, however, is having a variety of places to go for a walk. Dunshaughlin is an island, in a way, surrounded by countryside, rather than water, so in this respect it is a bit limiting. Also, transport links to the city are not too bad, and there is the option of the "Nitelink" which is handy, provided you don't fall asleep on the bus and wake up in Navan, which happened to me once!
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Re: Move from Dublin

I moved to the midlands last year from Dublin but since house prices have fallen I wish I held out so I could have bought in Dublin to be closer to work and be around family and friends. I will eventually move back to dublin.
Re: Move from Dublin

I'm a culchie who has lived in Dublin for 18 years.
I moved to France last year with OH and kids and it is great....but
I do miss Dublin.

What do I miss......
I miss my family, neighbours, friends.
I miss being able to communicate fluently.
I miss how vibrant Dublin is...the buzz.
Irish people are friendly fun and mischievous.
I miss all the shops (although I'm not a big shopper but still)
I miss the choice of things to do.
I miss my sofa :)

What I do NOT miss...
The security...I can hang my keys on a key holder in the kitchen, we have no burglar alarm here..so you don't have to wake the whole house switching it off at night to come down for a glass of water.
We never lock the car...and often leave the front door open.
The kids wander up and down the village playing with friends.
The schools here are better...much more physical activity for kids.
The weather.
The gangland killings.
OH and I are much more active here too.
The expense...it is MUCH cheaper to live here.

BUT we are still moving back to Dublin and I'm looking forward to it.