Has anybody heard of / have an Invisible shed??


Registered User
Hello ,

Seen a programme the other night on UKTV home or style and this guy was getting his garden remodelled but had little space......so the designer put the shed underground.

The way it was done was he dug a hole 14 by 8feet and put in a 8 by 8 steel box with a 6foot platform at the front and istalled a hydraulic ram under the 6foot platform that rose and fell to enter the shed at the flick of a switch...the roof of the shed was covered with ready made lawn and the platform was decked and used as a patio area when up!!!You wouldnt know there was was a shed beneath!!

Question is , it looked like a company came out and did this but ive searched uk and ireland websites but cant find anything at all

Does anybody know a specialist or designers who could do this / price this ???
Sounds like something James Bond would have in his back garden.
I'd prefer it if the shed was on the hydraulic ram rather than just the platform.
I thought as much.....every where ive emailed havent got a clue where to point me....all I want is a rough price.....If it was cheap enough (say 2-3k) it might be a runner but it doesnt look good....It would be nice to impress the mates though.....
try the UKTV website - find the programme detials and it might be there. I know the UKTV food site holds all the info from their programmes.
Thanks ,

Ill try that.....more than likely it will cost a bomb but thanks for the replies guys!
In a previous job i use to sell goods lifts. We use to do a lift for pubs that rose up from the basement into the street to allow you lower kegs safely.
When it was in the lowered position it was invisible from the street.

It is a telescopic hydraulic based system with a cantilevered platform.

No problem in doing it if you have between 15K to 25k

Wouldn't an underground shed need to be "tanked" (i.e. sealed) to prevent [ground]water entering?
Hi Paul

I think Ill pass....if my other half found out i was interested in a 25k shed.......thats where I would be living if it became a reality......Thats that whim knocked on the head.........