Has an offer been made/ does it have to be honoured


Registered User
Hi There

I phoned my insurance company about 1 month ago when buying new car and asked what the diffrence would be on my insurance as the new car had bigger engine. Was told no diffrence between that date(mid May) and middle of July when insurance expired and at renewal it would be about €20-€30 more.

Got my renewal notice in the post last week and it was €260 dearer. Had them pull the recording of the original conversation after the refused to match what was originally offered and they admit to what was said in that call but will not stand over it.

Where do i stand, do they have to honour what was first offered or can they withdraw the offer. Any insight appreciated.

It makes you wonder why they bother recording calls at all. The quickest way to resolve this would be to tell the Insurance Company that you feel so strongly about the matter and that people need to be made aware of this type of incorrect information been given out. It is your intentin to go on the Joe Duffy Show to hi-light the matter.

Sounds to me like the customer service agent took a guess on the full year premium based on the computer telling them that there was either little or no increase for the last month of the old policy year.This was probably not the right way to work it out but I can't see that being told "about 20 or 30 euro increase" amounts to a firm quotation and you can always shop around.
My opinion would be that they would have to stand over it and they can't withdraw it at this stage (i.e. after they realise their error). The agent gave you an indication of the extra premium at renewal, and the reality turned out to be far and above that.

If you don't get any joy from the company (who has told you it won't be honoured? Another agent? A supervisor/leader? Manager?), try the Financial Regulator or something like the Joe Duffy show. Time is against you so I imagine you'll want a quick solution.

What I'd also do is ask them for a copy/transcript of the original call so that they can't later claim it's "lost". I'd say that under the Data Protection act you can request this information, so don't be put off if they say you can't have it. Yes, I'm paranoid, but if I was in your shoes I wouldn't trust the company as far as I could throw the car :).

Best of luck with it!
If you remember back to the Aer Lingus ticket fiasco from a few months ago, the only reason Aer Lingus caved in other than PR, was because a contract existed - they had taken payment.

A contract doesn't exist here. This is the same as you picking up an item in shop that has an incorrect price, you present it at the counter the cashier tells you the correct price. The shop is not obliged to accept the incorrect price, the insurer is not obliged to stand over a rough estimate provided by the agent.

As for threatening Joe Duffy, does anyone ever give in to this threat?
As if Joe Duffy is going to make a difference. Only listened / phone-ed in by by aul biddys who don't work anyway.
If no price was agreed (€20-30 is not an agreed price), it would be very rare for there to be a contract, and therefore nothing for you compel them to honour.

Unfortunately, the only realistic thing you can do is shop about.