Harry interested in England job

Ceist Beag

Registered User
Harry Redknapp has confirmed to reporters that he would be interested in managing England for the Euros ... but only if they were in small bills which were untraceable...
Sorry to go all serious in the thread

But I only read today he's basically illiterate.
Ok, never something to made fun of, it's an issue

But him a high profile manager dealing with multi-million pound contracts for a full squad. He sure kept that quiet for decades

Next thing you'll be telling me there was a Minister for Finance with no bank account :eek:
The head of the F.A. changed tack slightly today. Initially he said they wanted an English manager but this evening it was "an English or a British manager." Has Martin O' Neill's name been added to the list . . . . ?
If he takes that job, theres only one way it can end up - thrown to the dogs like the rest of them. Its an utterly thankless job - unless you get 6m a year of course...
There are huge amount of little Englanders who were horrified at the thought of a foreign coach.

I always remember himself here protesting about Capello

The immigrant has gone home and they want an Englishman, any Englishman will do
journo from the daily mail on SSN the other night said there was always something creepy about Capello...he wore speedos don't you know!
Plus he would'nt learn to speak english, proper like!
And he only won in Spain because Barca did'nt in those 2 particular seasons!

They're all baying for Harry now, just like they did with McLaren. And that ended up in tears. Redknapp won't have the backbone to drop Terry,Lampard etc. He'll stick with all the usuals and then they'll wonder why they got outplayed by young Johnny Foreigners.

they really lose any sense of rationale across the water when it comes to the national team...and yet most club fans over there would tell you, it's club first as far as they are concerned
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If he takes that job, theres only one way it can end up - thrown to the dogs like the rest of them. Its an utterly thankless job - unless you get 6m a year of course...

Absolutely true. The reason Felipe Scolari turned the job down, before Steve McClaren accepted it, was because of the tabloids and that culture in England.

I hope that poor old Harry doesn't expect to be treated any differently . . . .