Haressment cold calling from Eircom


Registered User
I am using BT Ireland for voice & data for the past 18 months.
I get a call from Eircom at least once a week. On each occasion I have requested not to be called again. How, & to whom do I make an officail complaint about this.?
Could you please ask them to call me as I have a problem with Eircom and can't get a humen to speak to!!!

Theoretically, if you want to opt out of cold-calls/telemarketeers, you should contact Eircom directly and let them know your wishes. However, not quite sure how they'll take it if the problem is coming from Eircom itself!

If that doesn't work, contact Comreg. Try their website.
You can ask to be added to a register that opts out of this National Directory Database (NDD)-it takes a while for it to be enabled (28 days) but you need to contact your provider to get added BT Ireland .I still get an odd call but pretty rare compared to before
A lot of companies cold calling are contracted to do so by the providers They are given a list and work off that -they often have no procedure to work their way back ie remove you from this list though they should have . see below
[broken link removed]

You can report repeated, unwanted calls to the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner on LoCall 1890 252 231.
AFAIK I should already be on the NDD register. Is there any way to check this.?
I might give that number a call. Thanks for the info .
I get these calls regularly too. I just put them "on hold" and they hang up after a minute or two.

Last time I requested the caller to take me off the "winback list." She said OK and seemed to know what I meant. Haven't heard from them since but it's too soon to be sure...
We used to get this the whole time from Eircom and we have an Eircom line (What more do they bloody want!!!), so the way I found to sort it out was to inform the person callling that the house is a rental, the owner had the phone line put in and they dont live here anymore.

After 3 or 4 calls, inform them that if they call again, you shall be cancelling your Eircom account and moving to a competitor and the reason will be "harrassment from airhead salespeople who cant get it into their thick head that I dont want to buy anything else"

Needless to say the person at the other end got the message and we havent had a call since!!

Now I know you cant do that as you're with BT, but what you could say is that "this is the reason I left Eircom in the first place, twats like you calling me constantly to buy more products from a company who were incapable of providing a decent service in the first place!!!"

Ya never know, it may register with them!!!
I got this call too ( bt customer) from eircom wanting me back. explained to a fairly sympathetic male that I would still be with eircom if they were offering a bundle ( line rental + bb)around this time last year but when I enquired I was given a flat NO, we don't have that package. So I left. and I am not going back unless BT really f**k up. then I opened a letter from BT stating that as I was ex-directory I couldn't receive any cold callers unless I requested them to let xxxxx know that I was willing to receive such calls, otherwise if I wanted no such calls to do nothing and nobody could call me. Surprise, surprise, Eircom called.
Eircom have actually been told by the telecom regulator that they cannot use their lists for such winback calls as it is anti-competitive. I had the same situation when we moved our line to BT. In the end I asked to speak to a supervisor, and then to their manager. Got their name and an undertaking to take me off their list or I would make a complaint to ComReg. Never got called again.

The key is to be polite, but ask to be transferred to a manager and do not take no for an answer. Then take down their name 'in case there is a problem, then I will know to get back in touch'. Call centre staff have vitrually no authority to do anything, but managers can.


We signed up for Eircom Broadband about 5 weeks ago & STILL haven't heard from back from them!One of their sales people called to the door,so we decided to give them a go after a BAD experience with Perlico.He said 2-3 wks & promised us the Earth(nearly!)They don't seem to be too bothered with us at all.

I left Eircom for another provider years ago and promised never to return - was left in peace for a while but they began calling again about six months ago. As we're ex-directory, I can't join the NDD opt-out list. I had been dealing with someone in the Eircom press office as I found their website was incorrectly advertising the local exchange as broadband enabled. He was very helpful on that occasion and so I mailed him about the cold-calling. He sorted it immediately. I don't want to publish his email address on a public forum, but I'll send you a pm with it.
Got that , Thanks Govinda... & thanks to all for the replys I'm sure there's more than enough info here to get them off my back.