


No, not that type

I am going to build a patio in the next few weeks (as soon as it dries up a bit) and am planning on putting a 3" hardcore base down with the sand and cement mix on top.

My question is about where to get such items for the best price.
I reckon B&Q will be as cheap as they come for sand/cement, but anyone have any ideas of where I can get hardcore in South Dublin/Kildare for a good price?

I think I paid €54 a tonne (delivered) for it recenly from Goslin's builders providers in Cabra .. not in your area but might be useful by way of comparison.
Cheers EvilDoctorK,

One question though. About how much would I need to cover an area of about 30sq foot?

How much of an area did your tonne cover?
I got 1.5 tonnes to cover 15m2 to a depth of ~80mm (which is +/- 150sqft to 3in depth)

the basis for this calcuation was it was what the guy told me I needed ... didn't work it out scientifically and it's still sitting in a big heap in the back garden so I've not worked out whether it's not enough / too much