Hard to Cross Pearse St. at Traffic lights.


Registered User
Location ; Traffic Lights of Pearse St. and Mackin St.
Issue; there is no way to safely cross Pearse St / Mackin St side as there is no "Green Man".
It is a very busy intersection. I have lived in the area now for 2 years and again this morning I saw a very abled young person nearly knocked down trying to cross the road. Dread to think if it was a child or an OAP.
Request; Where and Who would I get in touch with in Dublin City Hall to have a 4 way "green man" system installed.
Is the area controlled by the Dublin Docklands Ath.??
Who are the local T.D.'s or C.C.'s??

p.s. there is a "green man" on the Trinity Centre side of the set of lights however there is no way to cross safely over to that side.

Hope this is not too confusing...


And here is another one to watch out for

Pedestrian lights opp RDS & AIB on Merrion Road

Lights are angled back over foot path and are hard to see ( hidden by trees, passing buses etc )

Cars frequently going though these lights on red ( nearly got creamed myself one day ).

In this case I think its as much due to poor design by the City Council as it is due to poor drivers
Hi All,
Thanks for the replies & info. E-Mailed Customer Service Dublin city yesterday and got relpy today saying they have sent my request to the Roads & Traffic section for an answer. As I get any news I will let you know,maybe we can find a method to sort out the Pedestrian lights opp RDS as well.
travel in hope
As far as I know the Roads & Traffics guys will send someone out for a look and will make a recommendation. Getting a local TD or councillor to also write to them about it helps.
Progress report; I got another e-mail this afternoon to say that the Quality Bus Network office (QBN) now has my request. I was given an e-mail contact for them. I have sent them a very nice e-mail as well. So thanks to AAM site I am still making progress. I will keep you advised.
Location ; Traffic Lights of Pearse St. and Mackin St.

p.s. there is a "green man" on the Trinity Centre side of the set of lights however there is no way to cross safely over to that side.
That's down at the former IDA centre? Crossing on the north/south axis not the east/west access? I remember it being like that - i.e. no facility for peds on the former axis - years ago alright. You'd take your life in your hands trying to get to The Owl Chip Shop on the north side of Pearse Street in order to take your life in your hands eating their grub!