Hard Disc Drive Enclosure


Registered User

Long story short - My Laptop (Dell Inspiron )recently went on the blink on me & I have purchased another.

My querey is whether I can use the HDD (30 gigs only) from my old Laptop and insert it into one of these

and then use it as a portable external hard drive.

Is there anything I should specifically look for If I can indeed do this?

Thanks in advance

Should work and at 6-7e delivered you cant really go wrong. But tbh Id only buy that to get the data off the old HDD and probably wouldnt use it again. dealextreme is useful for dirt cheap gadgets, but you really get what you pay for with build quality.
I done this last year and worked OK. The external housing I got (cost 25 euro)drive need 2 USB ports for power.The only problem was getting into the old MY DOC folders as I had files I needed to recover. There is an instruction to do this called "Taking ownership of files"(Google to get instructions) as these files appeared to be blocked and need permission to ascess.But you may not have to do this if you are going to Format.