HAP tenant struggling


New Member
hap tenant here struggling to keep going.
my landlord very good, no trouble with them at all
the house is old and slightly damp, i have COPD and
have suffered all my life. think the bit of damp is
making me worse. Its my health I am worried about.
The landlord put dehumidifiers in but the knock on
effect is that my esb bill has gone up. struggling to
pay for everything. what can i do??
can i leave as contract up shortly after 2 years or
should i stay but then into another 2 years so not good.
will i get another house under HAP if I leave of my own
As a possible stopgap measure have you considered seeking assistance from a suitable charity such as St Vincent de Paul etc.?
There may be others who can also assist in your area.
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The HAP claimant can only move in exceptional circumstances and they must receive permission from the Local Authority before they move.” If you leave HAP without permission you will not be eligible to benefit from another HAP for a period of 1 year from the date of exiting HAP.21
