Hangover Cure ?!

OK here's the cure for any hangover.

1. Heat a glass with boiling water and then throw out the water.

2. Add a good dash of pure orange juice

3. Add a teaspoonful of honey.

4. Fill up glass with boiling water (remembering to leave the spoon in the glass to prevent the glass shattering because of the heat).

Drink and Enjoy.

I promise this really works.
Obviously I'm a bit late but for future reference... Coffee, chocolate and neurofen ( or anything with codeine). Then head manoevres- unless you feel like throwing up, that is- roll your head around three times in a clockwise direction, then anti clockwise, then nod your head in front three times, then go back with your head towards your back three times. This works for any headache, apparently.
Burnt toast (seriously, the charcoal helps!), Milkthistle (to help repair the liver) and plenty of liquids. Vitamin B will give you false energy, but false energy is better than no energy! Food and a trip to the bathroom always help too.