Hampton Wood



Hi all
We looked at Mayeston hall townhouses and apartments yesterday and they have none left. HOK pointed us in the direction of Hampton Wood which is also on St. Margrets road. Has anyone been to view these or have info on them? We are especially interested in the townhouses. The estate agents told us there are no appliances included in the kitchen and no flooring. Is this acceptable?

Hi onthehunt, the third phase(I think) went on sale last week with the usual scenario of people queuing over night to get what their preferred choice of home. I viewed the first phase last Oct, I was pretty impressed, the price's back then were very tempting. I have a friend who put a deposit down last Oct for a 2 bed townhouse, but she realised her house would be very close to the halting site so she pulled out. In the long run I still think it would be a good buy, Jamestown road is being upgraded(about time!), new hotel and shopping centre near Lanesborough/City Gate. Website www.hamptonwood.com
Regarding appliances & floors, its quite normal for appliance's not to be included in new builds, and its very rare that the carpet and floors would be included, but I'm pretty sure when I viewed Hampton Wood the agent said appliances were included. I know sometimes if you sign contracts early you may get appliances, but from my experience my apt(new build) had no appliances or floorboards.
Hi there.
Also visited there in Oct/Nov and was very impressed with the houses and duplexes however given I was planning on living alone I was a bit concerned about the proximity to the traveller settlement. Initially it didn't bother me but after visiting the area about 10 times (day/night etc) and seeing the Gardai there on three occasions I was put off...Wasn't too impressed with the apartments there. The show apartments seemed to represent one design of which there were very few available.
My favourite was the duplexes, those on show were beautiful!
If a phase went on sale last week I'd be surprised if there are any townhouses left!
A friend queued through the night to get one of the townhouses...I believe there were a lot of people waiting when they released them.
Seems to be well built and designed development but not 100% sure about the area. There was the guy recently killed (ran over) as he tried to stop guys robbing Diesel from his Lorry, That was in Lanesborough Crescent which is just off St Margret's Road
[broken link removed]
Was that not accidental - thought I read at the time the guy got caught in the van?
u can read the full story on link provided on org post, yeah he tried to stop them robbing the Diesel and he got caught in the van door as they just drove away and dragging him along road until he fell off and died later in hospital

not sure would I call that an accident??
Gimme an area where a car was never tampered with at some stage......

I live in lanesborough since january- the area is very safe according to my neighbours who have lived there for the past few years they said there has been no trouble at all- that particular incident the people involved were not from the area at all. My own initial impressions are that its a very settled place with young professionals and couples. However my one gripe is that the roads are in a state but I believe the councils plan to make jamestown and st.margarets roads "tree lined boulevards" with bus&cycle lanes god knows when though.
Sarahj, its not a halting site. I believe it is a set of bungalows for travellers to settle in. Its on what I think is called St. Margarets Road, so if you drive to the top of the Jamestown Road, part of Hampton Wood faces it.
thanks for that Lauren. I've bought there but wont' be near that end. Have to say I really like the development, and I know finglas quite well and wouldn't be put off at all. Bad sh*t going on everywhere :)