Halo Assessment: Any good? did it take long for them to come out after you applied?

Re: Electricity-which co. is best?

With Airtricity & had the Halo assessment done last week. They do not check the usage of appliances or the like. It's a look at the attic insulation levels, windows, light bulbs, heating boiler and controls, radiator valves & hot water cylinder controls. The inspector was not allowed to discuss wall insulation or make recommendations of one type of item over another. Fairly basic stuff. Discussion over on Boards.ie in the BER Forum.
Re: Electricity-which co. is best?

Agree with Fourteen. I had hoped to get a certificate like the ber one but you dont get this. The assessor was very thorough with what he was checking though. Probably useful enough if you want to do some upgrading on your house and dont want to pay for a BER. Wasnt really useful for me as my house is quite new and i wanted to know how everything was performing.
Re: Halo Assessment: Any good? did it take long for them to come out after you applie

I found that he was very keen on recommending outside insulation. He gave an absolutely ridiculous quote for the cost of it though. About 1/3 of what anybody would quote.

Are the halo assessors allowed give quotations? I doubt it very much.

I reckon he should reccomend that you get several quoatations from contractors. He may have given you an indication of the going rates and might have been a little conservative.

Did you get written quotations from (established, certified , approved , tax compliant) contractors?

From ESB.ie website (see detail at end in red)
What is HALO?

HALO gives you the opportunity to have a free independent home energy survey carried out on your home.
It was developed to support Ireland's 20% energy reduction target by 2020 as identified in the [broken link removed]
This no-obligation service will help you to make your home more energy efficient, reduce your carbon emissions and, more importantly, reduce your energy bills.
Why apply?

In the current economic and environmental climate, there really has never been a better time to make your home more energy-efficient.
Making your home more energy efficient will increase its value- and you'll save money on energy bills month after month, year after year.
Who should apply?

HALO is open to anyone that owns their own house.* In addition to this we feel that older houses would receive greater benefit from energy efficiency upgrades i.e. those that were built either during or before the 1990’s, however we will offer a Survey to any house provided it was built before 2006.
For further details on eligibility please call our Customer Care team at 1850 372 333. (Please have your MPRN Number to hand when making the call. The MPRN number is the 11 digit number displayed on the top right side of you electricity bill.)
You do not have to be a Customer of ESB Customer Supply to be eligible for this Free HALO Survey.
*Unfortunately apartments are not eligible for a HALO Survey.
What happens?

The HALO survey is free and simply makes recommendations on the areas in your home where you could improve your energy efficiency.
The survey will assess the energy efficiency of all of your current insulation, heating and lighting systems inside and outside of your home.
Afterward, the surveyor will supply you with a comprehensive report with specific recommendations on making your home more energy-efficient along with relevant cost estimates.
Re: Halo Assessment: Any good? did it take long for them to come out after you applie

I applied very early and they came out about a week later. It told me what I already knew or hoped I knew. Told me to dry line the rooms I haven't, it was of limited use for me, but acted as a free check so was more than welcome.
They didnt even get the number of bedrooms correct on our report. I think its not a great survey but then again its free!
had it done, really told me what we knew but report sets out the steps exactly what you should do, plus report has a lovely colour picture of your house!!!