Halloween treats as an economic barometer

Well I'm talking about Boy George & Madonna in their very early careers, like early 1980's...they weren't quite the people then that they are today...

Still better than a playboy bunny!!
You bin their uneaten treats!!

Maybe they worked out after last year to eat as many of their treats as they could before bed

LOL, I'd be very proud of them if they worked that one out, but I don't think they have. I don't bin everything, just the unsealed stuff, and the really bad E filled cr*p, I leave the moderately bad cr*p. They are still munching away today.

Talking to them about their visits, it seems they also had to work harder for their treats. Higher than usual requests for poems/songs.

'would love to see George Lee or McWilliams investigating this Clubman, they could come cleverly disguised as "doom and gloom".
I was absoutley hounded halloween night, and i have to say i was a bit disgusted with a precentage of the children as they had absolutely no manners............. gave them monkey nuts and the nice kids the choc
I think there was a push in the media to give healthier options over Halloween. That may account for the higher level of fruit and nuts.
I noticed that kids' sweets (especially the jellies) don't taste as nice since they removed a lot of the crappier additives from them!
I don't think that bining the left overs is an acceptable response to this but it does stop your children from eating them! Maybe we should just say enough is enough, why should Halloween be about poisoning children because that's what we are doing by buying sweets in the first place.

Why does it automatically mean sweets? My best halloween memories were ones where we got frightened to bits with tales and fortune telling games etc.

Have we as a nation become so neck deep in greed and status that it has become completly acceptable to buy a load of sweets and decorations and throw it in everyone's face and then throw out the leftovers while kids around the planet are starving to death.

I have seen children being driven by their parents into various estates to collect halloween treats, bag after bag.

What's wrong with a few neighbours sticking together and saying right it's fruit and nuts lads and that's it? Or should we keep feeding the greed?