Halloween 2010


Registered User
Very quiet this year I thought.

Only 2 rings on the door - which may be down to it being a Sunday night but what was really striking was how few fireworks I heard.

Previous years were like a war zone for days beforehand as well as the day itself.
Very quiet for us too - no one called at all!

Fireworks and bangers etc all died down very early also.

Loads of young kids out on the road early in the evening and great fun was had by all.
Very quiet later on, no older kids out at all and very few fireworks.

I live in a large estate with many young families and stocked up this year, expecting large numbers.

I still have over half of it all. I had maybe 10 - 15 buzz's, with kids in little groups.
I had some callers on Saturday night, they were told to go away and come back the next day. Fireworks went on all Saturday night until around 1am, my poor dog was on the verge of a breakdown - despite being indoor all the time. Last night we had around 5 or 6, the last ones around 7.30 and I just gave them what was left in the sweet bowl, Fireworks were gone by around 9pm.

I definitely agree that being on a Sunday and it being first day back at school had an impact.
I had 71 kids to the door between 6pm and 7:30pm, otherwise a quiet Halloween.