Hallmark Stone - What to match with?


Registered User
About to begin building our first house and intend using Hallmark Stone for the facade. Originally, we had hoped to use hallmark on all four sides but this is looking cost prohibitive. We have not seen however any other houses with only a Hallmark facade and gables rear in other finish. Has anybody any recommendations on what matches well with Hallmark - the type/colour of block we've chosen is the "Nickel Blend". Thanks.
I used the pewter blend - 80% of the house is covered with nickel blend and the balance is plain knapped plaster - i intend to powerwash when necessary - it actually matches well with the pewter. We used coins on the edges and along the plinths. TIP use something round each window be it similar coinc or a red brick if not a gap will be left after the windows are installed and its not at all straight forward in sealing it. the hallmark briicks vary in size making a straight window fit IMPOSSIBLE.

NOT NICKEL BLEND as I said 80% above - PEWTER was used throughout -sorry