Hair Salon Customers

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Registered User
Hi All,

Apologies if I'm doubling up here ( I have a similar thread open already but its hidden away in the bowels of AAM) but I am involved in a startup Hair Salon in Dublin and would be delighted to read people's opinions on any of the following.

really I'm trying to get an idea of what customers rate as important, what you like, don't like about the services provided by salons in general..

1 - How important is good customer care to you in a salon? Is this something that people feel is lacking in general?

2 - How important is the technical quality of your stylist? Is technical knowledge something that salons in Dublin are lacking?

3 - Pricing - is it worth paying for quality or do you feel like you're being ripped off?

4 - Salon appearance - what are your feelings on this? Does it matter to you whether its a trendy look or if the salon has sawdust on the floor ;-)

5 - Discounts\loyalty schemes - is something that people come across often?

6 - opening hours...

I realise I'm asking a lot of questions but any feedback is more thasn welcome!!

Thanks everyone.
Surely most customers will rate most or all of those important? Who in their right mind will say that customer care, ("reasonable") price, technical ability of the stylist, salon appearance etc. are not important? I don't really understand what you aim to get out of this sort of "survey".
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