Health Insurance Had a scheduled outpatient procedure. How long until I know if it's covered by Irish Life Health?

Dr Strangelove

Registered User
I had a minor scheduled outpatient procedure last week. I have cover with Irish Life Health and when I arrived I was asked for my policy details which I gave, no payment sought. I read my policy and it wasn't fully clear to me either whether it was fully or partially covered.

The procedure was arranged via a consultant whose secretary was a bit vague about costs but there was no request for payment in advance or when I was getting the procedure (consultant was doing the procedure in a different location than where his rooms are but closer to where I live). I don't want to ask the consultant's secretary about payment in case it gives her ideas.

Am I likely to be billed for any balance by Irish Life Health? When will details of the visit be up on the Irish Life Health app, or will they?
Yeah, the only way to figure it out is to ask the secretary for the procedure code or codes, (I know when my daughter had a sinus procedure there were 3 codes in total) then ring your health insurance company. Give them the codes and they will tell you if you are covered or not.

Once you are booked in for the procedure the surgeons secretary should have the details. She would not know costs but they all give out codes all the time.